Birth: Get Comfortable

Pain in labor is one of women's greatest anxieties -- and understandably so. Labor is work. Hard work. Really. Hard. Work. But with a focused momma, a solid support team, and mental and physical preparation, in most cases the pain can be understood. It can be managed.

As with so much of today's world, the news or stories we hear about birth are the 40+ hour labors or the disastrous deliveries. Hollywood portrayals of wild and out of control hospital rooms filled with sweaty, angry mommas in stirrups are all the rage.

It used to be that the first birth we were witness to as a woman wasn't our own, but rather that of a cousin, sister, or friend. With the medicalization of birth in the last century has come the mystification of birth for so many of us.

So, women often turn to media - whether message boards, chat rooms, tv shows, or movies - to get a sense for what to expect. And the projection of what could be or the fear of not knowing can be overwhelming.

In many respects you can never fully prepare for the incredible sensations and challenges of bringing a new life into the world. You can read, talk, watch, or think about it for hours on end, but ultimately, it comes down to a deep trust of your body and its abilities, coupled with a safe space and a solid team to guide and support you.

Getting comfortable with birth and getting comfortable in birth are equally as important. A lot of the work of a Doula in birth is to support a woman however she manages her labor and to suggest alternatives when her coping mechanisms are not working for the woman any longer. There are countless ways a Doula and the woman's partner can provide support, but two of my favorite are positions and massage.


Changing positions in labor and delivery can be total game changers. The body is in a constant state of change in labor, so why would we want to stay in one place? Getting a momma to move can be critical in managing pain and helping labor progress.

For a wide range of positions and descriptive text and photos, take a look at this great resource from Mother's Advocate. This is an easy thing to go over with your partner and put in your bag in case you need a reminder of your many options while in the moment. Before trying other medical interventions (pain relief, labor augmentation, delivery assistance) try a position change. Here is another overview of many different position options that I amassed somewhere along my training and while more basic in the descriptions, there are more positions covered.


There is little better in this world than being touched by capable and loving hands. When in pain - emotional or physical - a gentle head rub or deep back massage can do wonders. Counter pressure and basic massage are a welcome relief for most women in labor. There is no right or wrong spot to focus on, but a few favorites tend to be the hips, low back, thighs, shoulders, and neck. Just remember that we want that baby to descend, so massaging strokes downward not upward is always good to keep in mind.

Because labor can last a while, having a few tips and tools will help your partner or Doula support you with stamina. Two things I love are a good - often unscented - massage oil and a set of therapy balls.  Scents can be great and powerful for relieving pain, but in the moment some women can't stand the smell of something she normally loves. That's why this sample pack of different scents from Weleda makes a lot of sense for labor. After all, choices in childbirth are what we are all about!

As for the therapy balls, I love these therapy balls from Gaiam because of the diversity of textures, but also because they can be made hot or cold for added relief.

There are lots of other coping techniques that we'll explore with time. Remember, if something doesn't make sense, let us know! You can comment below or email

Love +Light,


P.S. To celebrate the launch of B+B and your lovely support so far, I am giving away a set of the therapy balls and massage oil sample pack to one fabulous facebook commenter. Luckily, whether a man or woman, pregnant or not, everyone loves a good massage. So, get out of here and answer the question "Birth is _______." on our Facebook page by midnight on 12/5 for a chance to win.