Congratulations…you are having a baby!
Embarking onto the life changing journey of motherhood will be joyful and deep and powerful beyond expectations.
It will also be hard and exhausting and depleting at points.
One of the most important things we can do to take care of you is fill you up with easy, healthful, restorative foods. You've just done the hardest work of your life and deserve to be nourished completely.
This belief is a core part of the Breath + Broth mission. Whether blood loss or milk production, fighting fatigue or avoiding blood sugar spikes, food is critical to your recovery from birth and to your ongoing mental and physical health. That's why at B+B, our goal is to provide food and services that help restore and revitalize tired, hungry, nutritionally-in-need new moms. (Of course all new parents - male or female, biological or adoptive, nursing or not - can enjoy our curated products. I promise dad's won't start lactating from mother's milk tea and oat biscuits!)
Which is why we are thrilled to announce that our postpartum nutrition box has launched. You can check them out here.
So, instead of a baby blanket or bouncy chair, consider sending one to a new mom in your life. I can almost guarantee she will love it. Recently, we polled more than 40 moms on the best gift they received postpartum. Nearly 60% said that food from loved ones topped the list.
If you live close by make them a hot-meal, take it to them, and see if they want you to hold the baby while they eat (and maybe even take a shower!). But if you live far away from the one you love, send them a B+B box packed with love and foods that are deeply restorative, rich, fiber-full and nutritionally dense.
Love + Light by the Spoonful,